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Showing posts with the label Prophetic Language

The Symbolic Character of Prophetic Language: The Dreams and Prophetic Visions in the Book of Daniel

The Bible contains many important sections where the narrative uses symbols to convey a message in a coded or hidden manner. For instance, Joseph continuously interprets dreams by providing a meaning that eliminates the supernatural or surreal  sense of the dream and transforms the dream into something that we can take practical action to prevent or realize. The most famous one is the interpretation of the Pharaoh's dreams of the seven skinny cows and the seven fat cows. Joseph's Interprets Pharaoh's Dream Distant Shores Media/Sweet Publishing [CC BY-SA 3.0  (], via Wikimedia Commons The discovery of Hieroglyphics recounting dreams and their interpretations validates the historical value of this story from Genesis in them stories tell of priests interpreting Pharaoh's dream. Throughout history, different cultures attributed a special meaning to dreams, believing that they convey special messages hidde...