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Proclaiming the New Truth Cannot Wait Any Longer!

On August , 2018 Mrs. Moon visited Brazil to deliver a speech at the Citibank Hall on Sao Paulo.

The event was a success. During the following days there were special conferences and even a private meeting with Mrs. Moon. To this event one Catholic Cardinal and other religious leaders were present and they asked many questions to Mrs. Moon.

In one conference Mrs. Moon asked world leaders to support her work to build an International Highway Project that would break the frontiers between the nations of South and North America.

On a celebration speech on August  she told the members of the Family Federation of Latin America that were present that "we can no longer wait, we can no longer wait, we will no loner wait," the truth must be proclaim boldly to everyone we know.

What is that truth that requires immediate proclamation?

To understand more clearly our times we need to realize that we have been living on a parallel time period to the time that Jesus was on the earth. If we recall from the post Hisstorical Parallels this period began from about 1920 on.

When Jesus came the most important message God wanted the whole world to know was that Jesus was His Son, who was born with a very special mission: that of establishing God's kingdom on the earth. Jesus died without realizing his dream of seeing the beginning of that Kingdom, hence he promised that he would return,

After Jesus' resurrection his disciples reignited on their faith began to preach boldly that Jesus was God's Son and that the only way for people to find salvation was through him. We must recognize that he was the promised Messiah and that he was put on the cross because of the lack of faith of the people. By accepting as Lord and Savior we can receive salvation.

First Peter deliver such a message to the Jews on the day of Pentecost. 

However, the most important witness to Jesus during that period was Saint Paul. He went through many cities witnessing at first to Jews and Gentiles until he finally decided to focus upon the latter.

Today Heavenly Parents sent two important people to complete the mission of Jesus. The victorious ones of whom the Book of Revelation speaks on chapters 2 through 3 were born in order to establish the foundation for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Why two? 

Saint Paul on his Epistle to  describes Jesus as a Second Adam. In other words, Jesus came to restore what was lost, as it says in...because of Adam's disobedience in the act of eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. On the post on the symbols of the Fall of Man we discovered that the whole story is actually relating the story of how the first man and woman engaged in an act of illicit sexual relationship by not having first fulfilled God's First Blessing of perfecting their character. Adam and Eve had the responsibility of first become people of unbreakable faith in God, of becoming one with God, becoming the living temple of God. 

How is God Working Today?

Today Heavenly Parents sent two important people to complete the mission of Jesus. The victorious ones of whom the Book of Revelation speaks on chapters 2 through 3 were born in order to establish the foundation for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Why two?

Saint Paul on his Epistle to  describes Jesus as a Second Adam. In other words, Jesus came to restore what was lost, as it says in...because of Adam's disobedience in the act of eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. On the post on the symbols of the Fall of Man we discovered that the whole story is actually relating the story of how the first man and woman engaged in an act of illicit sexual relationship by not having first fulfilled God's First Blessing of perfecting their character. Adam and Eve had the responsibility of first become people of unbreakable faith in God, of becoming one with God, becoming the living temple of God.

Jesus came to fulfill God's eternal will of human realizing the Three Great Blessings. Thus, Jesus became perfect in character, becoming the image of God on the flesh. Hence, Jesus could say when you see me you see the Father. Also Jesus could ask us to become perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect, because he had first done it himself. However, that is only the first blessing. Humans have two more blessings to fulfill. The Second Blessing is to establish a God-centered marriage and family as the foundation for the Kingdom of God on the Earth.

This implies that Jesus needed a partner in lover, a Second Eve. He died without realizing that ideal because of the disbelief of the people.

Jesus passed that mission to Rev. Moon in 1936.

Through a long live of suffering persecution, torture, imprisonment and shedding countless tears, sweat and blood for God and humanity, Rev. Moon realized God's Blessing for Humankind.

Rev. Moon passed away in 2012, after a live of accomplishing great achievements for God's Providence.

Mrs. Moon continues the work as the new leader in the Providence.

The True Mother Speaks to World Leaders

Speaking at a Conference to World Leaders
Watch Mrs. Moon speech at the UPF Conference:

She has spoken all over the world and recently has begun to deliver speeches on special Continental meetings where leaders from the relevant Continents meet and discuss about how to make a world of peace.

On this meeting Mrs. Moon is boldly proclaiming Heavenly Parents' mission for her husband and her.

In Brazil she said that it is time to speak boldly. She demonstrated how to do it by proclaiming in a conference of the Universal Peace Federation to which many world leaders came that she is the only begotten daughter of God and the True Mother of Mankind.

This declaration is very similar to the declaration that a man who died on  cross, born in a small nation full of religious fervor was the Son of God. Christians today cannot relate to how difficult it was for the people of that time to hear that message. St. Paul summarizes it in the words in 1 Corinthians 1:22-23 22 For Jews request a sign, and Greeks seek after wisdom; 23 but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness,...

The word Jews could be substituted for traditional Christians, and Greeks for the rest of the world and we could understand why it is a little difficult for many people to receive the message of how God is working today and run to support the work of Mrs. Moon. 

Just as the people of Jesus' time needed prayer to realize who was Jesus, we need to to ask God directly about this important proclamation. Otherwise, we may find ourselves either rejecting God's central providential work, or find ourselves that we have missed the chance to collaborate in the most important historical work of all times: building the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.


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