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Rev. Sun Myung Moon: True Prophet of God, and True Son of God, and True Parent of Mankind

In the previous two posts we considered first if Yiye Aviila was a false prophet, and then we did the same with Billy Graham.

Today we shall look at an imposing religious figure of the 20th and 21st centuries. The Rev. Sun Myung Moon is for his followers the True Father that restored the original position that Adam lost. After having received the mission from Jesus to continue the work he began 2,000 years ago to establish the foundations for the Kingdom of Heaven on the Earth, Rev. Moon invested his entire energy to realize that vision. However, that was not after first having rejected the mission. Why?
Rev. Moon believed that if he gave his word to Jesus he could never go back on it. He had felt an urge in his youth to dedicate his life for the betterment of humanity. He did not have to pledge to
God that he would do his best if he took the initiative on his own. When Jesus asked him personally to take on the mission to change the world, he had to determine to do it live-or-die.

When we look at the two previous religious figures, Yiye Avila and Billy Graham we saw that any thought that they could been false prophets are mistaken.

Rev. Moon was persecuted throughout his life for his new ideas about religion, the mission of Jesus, and also for his strong stand against Cummunism and in favor of moral values centered on God.

The Bible gives us two methods to determine if a man is a prophet of God or not.

1. Examine any prophecies he makes.

2. Examine the fruits of his life.

We will begin on this post by examining point no. 2. Later we will examine Rev. Moon's prophecies concerning the coming of an African American President decades before Obama came around, and the prophecy he gave to Dr. Morton Kaplan that Communism would not last more than 70 years.

What are the highest fruits of the life of faith of a Christian, no doubt if we consider the words of St.Paul in Corinthians about love being greater even than faith, we should say that the extent to which a person loves other demonstrates his/her closeness to God.
In this regard who would be the most difficult people to love if not one's own enemies.

For that reason Jesus called his followers to love their enemies. No doubt this is the most difficult thing to do, particularly if we talk about real enemies, seeking to kill us, and who may have hurt our friends and family members.

Perhaps Rev.Moon worst enemy was Kim Il Sung, late President of North Korea. Under his regime Rev. Moon suffered tortured several times and was left for dead. He was rescued as he was unconscious on the snowy streets. It took him many months to recover, but after that he continued with his witnessing activities and was sent then to a concentration camp where men were sent to die under forced labor.

Rev. Moon's meeting with Kim Il Sung many decades later is well known. People criticized him for having done that, but for Rev. Moon that was a historical moment. Not only did he loved his mortal enemy, he managed to preach about God to Communists leaders of North Korea in their own land. Kim Il Sung and Rev. Moon established a strong friendship that has lasted until today.

Rev. Moon thought beyond his own situation and thought of his country and of the need to work towards a peaceful reunification. He went beyond any personal feelings and truly loved Kim Il Sung.

Another Communist leader that Rev. Moon met was Mikael Gorbachev. After the Soviet Union finally rejected Communist ideology and it opened up to the West, Rev. Moon organized a big convention there to which he brought many world leaders from different fields. In a private meeting with Gorbachev, the Soviet leader was interested to know if Rev. Moon would help in rebuilding the Soviet Union. Rev.Moon asked him one question: Did you sent some people with orders to kill me? Gorbachev said yes. Rev. Moon did not keep hate from crippling such an important invitation to help with the Soviet Union. He loved Gorbachev as Jesus had ordered us to.

In one occasion Rev. Moon said something to the matter that he has no enemies. He makes it a point to forget the names of his enemies. If he comes to know that the children of his 'enemies' lack money for things, like education or food, he would go and get the money to them.

In terms of loving the enemy, Rev. Moon is a champion for God. Perhaps in the history of mankind there has not even anyone greater than him in that regard. In that sense he fully lived Jesus' commandment. In other words, he lived as a true believer of Jesus' teachings.

Rev. Moon also loved America, investing resources of his church into bringing the young people back to God, teaching families how to establish a strong bond centered on God, bringing people of all races, nationalities, and religions to work together in peace. He continued to invest in America despite having been sentenced to 18 months in jail for what the Government said was failing to pay about $7,000 in taxes. While his case was on the news it was reported to other important people simply were reminded to pay debts in the 10,000s of thousands of dollars of more.

Rev. Moon did not hate America for what happened to him and continued to lead the membership of his church to serve the United States with love. As a result a great number of Christian Churches and other civic groups came to protest the case against Rev. Moon, which they felt was a railroading job by a segment of the government in an attempt to destroy Rev. Moon's church. The attempt completely failed. At the end of his term he was received by many Christian denominations and important leaders.

Till the end of his life Rev. Moon did not have anything but love for America as an important country to play a critical role in the Providence of God.

Just this point proves that Rev. Moon was a man  of God. More than that, he was a True Son of God.

In coming posts we will cover more on Rev. Moon's achievements and how he restored the position lost by Adam due to the fall, that of the True Parent of Humankind.


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